LearningWell has been awarded a multi million contract by Swiss Armed Forces

The Swedish high end IT-company LearningWell will deliver a complete Open source Intelligence system to the Swiss Armed Force.

After a previous delivery of a similar system to Swedish Armed Forces, LearningWell now goes abroad. We are very proud to have been awarded this contract and think upon it as an acknowledgement for our systems and their high performance and quality, says Peter Karlsson at LearningWell.

Imagine being able to collect all the news from around the world and let a self-learning system organize the information and present it as a tapestry of events, people and organizations. The news could be retrieved from any form of media as Internet, TV and radio among others. Television broadcasts from foreign countries would be caught; speech would be converted to text and translated in the same moment as they streamed into. A unique system simply.

Superior information is now a very important competitive factor. A unique system for monitoring of content from open sources, gives the user faster and better picture of the outside world. The staff can now devote time to analyzing information instead of search, collection and report creation.

LearningWell’s system solution has many applications that, in a cost efficient way, lead to improved business and activities:

  • A cost effective means to create a superior understanding of market trends and competitors
  • A tool for crisis management in business and government to provide a full and immediate situational awareness of media reporting and public / customer reaction to a crisis
  • For safety departments the tool offers the ability to follow public opinion and development activities that may affect the safety position
  • Most areas with need of quickly conducting an analysis of large amounts of own and external documents

The system solution is web based and built on a SOA architecture with a large number of interacting servers and with a number of so-called COTS (third party products). Here, special mention Silobreaker Enterprise Software Suite which constitute the system’s engine.

For more information contact Peter Karlsson, CEO at +46(0)70-631 28 70 of LearningWell East. LearningWell works with business solutions, tailor made system development, system integration, training systems and simulators etc. Some of our customers are KSU, SSAB, BAE Systems, Saab, AstraZeneca, Armed Forces, FMV, Transportstyrelsen.